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About Doctober

Each October the Pickford showcases Doctober—a month-long documentary film festival dedicated to one of Bellingham’s proven favorite genres. Doctober is the largest documentary festival in the Northwest, screening approximately 35 films in one month. For this festival the Pickford partners with local organizations to bring important issues to the screen; many presentations feature special guests, filmmakers, pre-screening receptions, and guided group discussions. Pickford Film Center is excited for Doctober to continue with smashing success and enrich our community for another year. 

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Poster Carousel

Poster Carousel 300 - 2001: A Space Odyssey - Adventures of Don Juan - 10 - 12 - 21 - 31 - 42 - 360 - 10TH Victim, The - 187 - 1408 - 1776 - 1990 - 1990 - nineteen hundred - PFC TEST 80 - PFC TEST 90 - PFC TEST 100 - PFC TEST 110 - PFC TEST 120 - PFC TEST 130 - 1911 - Army of Darkness - 1 Giant Leap - A ciamabra - A Ciambra - A L'Aventure - A la mode - Aardvark - A Nos Amours - A Nous La Liberte - A Tout de Suite - A-Team, The - A.C.O.D. - A2 - Aaja Nachle - Aaltra - AB-Normal Beauty - Abba: Number Ones - Abbot & Costello: Lost in a Harem - Abbott & Costello: Lost in a Harem - ABC Africa - Abduction - Aberdeen - Aberdeen - Abigail's Party - Abel Edwards - Abnormal: The Sinema of Nick Zedd - Abominable Dr. Phibes, The - Abouna - Aberdeen - About a Boy - About Elly - About Schmidt - Above and Below - Above Suspicion - About Time - Above the Law - Absent - Absolut Warhola - Absolute Beginners - Absolute Power - Absolutely Safe - Absurdistan - Abyss, The - AC/DC: Family Jewels - Acacia - Accent on the Offbeat - Accepted - Accident - Accidental Tourist, The - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - Accountant, The - Accused, The - Ace in the Hole - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - Ace Ventura: The Animated Series - Acid House, The - Acquired Taste - Acquired Taste - Across 110th Street - Across the Bridge - Across the Pacific - Across the Universe - Act of God - Act of Killing - Act of Valor - Act of Violence /Mystery Street - Mystery Street - Acting Shakespeare - Action in the North Atlantic - Action Point - Active Measures - Actor's Revenge, An - Adam - Adam & Steve - Adam Bede - Adam Clayton Powell - Adam's Apples - Adam's Rib - 1949 - Adanggaman - Adaptation - Addams Family Values - Adderall Diaries - Address Unknown - Adjustment Bureau, The - Admission - Adoration - Adore - Adored: Diary of a Porn Star - Adrenaline Drive - Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother - Adventureland - Adventures in Babysitting - Adventures of a Young Man - Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The - Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, The - Adventures of Errol Flynn, The - Adventures of Felix - Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, The - Adventures of Mark Twain - Adventures of Milo and Otis - Adventures of Prince Achmed, The - Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert - Adventures of Robin Hood, The - Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle, The - Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D - Advertising Rules! - Advise & Consent - Affair of Love - Affair of the Heart, An - Affair of the Necklace, The - Affair the Remember, An - Affinity - Affliction (1998) - Affluenza - Affluenza: Escape from Affluenza - Afghan Star - Afraid to Die - Africa: The Serengeti - African Queen, The - Afro Samurai - Afro-Punk - After Dark My Sweet - After Earth - After Hours - After Innocence - After Sex - After Stonewall - After the Fox - After the Storm - After the Sunset - After Tiller - After.Life - Afterglow - Aftermath, The - Aftermath: Population Zero - Afternoon Delight - Afterschool - Aftershock - Against All Odds - Age of Adeline - Age of Adaline - Age of Innocence - Age of Shadows - Age of Stupid - Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael - Aggressives, The - Aging Out - Agnes of God - Agony and the Ecstasy, The - Agora - Agronomist - Ahlaam - AI Weiwei: Never Sorry - Aguirre, The Wrath of God - AI Weiwei: The Fake Case - Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer - Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer - Aimee and Jaguar - Ain't Them Bodies Saints - Air Force One - Air Guitar Nation - Air I Breathe, The - Airheads - AIRPLANE! - AIRPORT COLLECTION - Ajami - Akeelah and the Bee - Akira - Al Franken: God Spoke - Aladdin (2019 / Disney Live-Action) - ALAIN RESNAIS: A DECADE IN FILM - Alamar - Alambrista! - Alamo, The (2004) - Alan Partridge - Aaska: Spirit of the Wild - Alaska: Spirit of the Wild - Albert Nobbs - Albino Aguilar - Albino Alligator - Alchemist Cookbook - Alex Cross - Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker - Alexander - Alexander Nevsky - Alexander the Last - Alexander's Ragtime Band - Alexandra - Alexandra's Project - Alfie - Ali - Ali G Indahouse - Ali: Fear Eats the Soul - Alias Betty - Alibi - Alice (1990/Woody Allen) - Alice Adams - Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Alice in the Cities - Alice in Wonderland (2010/Depp) - Alice Neel - Alice Through the Looking Glass - Alice's Restaurant - Alien (FIT) - Alien 3 - Alien Apocalypse - Alien Nation - Alien Resurrection - Alien Trespass - Alien vs. Predator - Alien vs. Predator: Requiem - Alien: Covenant - Aliens - Aliens of the Deep - Alila - Alita: Battle Angel - Aiive - Alive (1993) - Alive & Kicking (2010 / Jason Flemyng) - Alive Day Memories: Home From Iraq - Alive Inside - Aliyah - All About Eve - All About Lily Chou-Chou - All About My Mother - All Eyez on Me - All Good Things - All is Bright - All is Lost - All is True - All Men are Brothers - All Mine to Give - All My Babies - All My Friends are Funeral Singers - All Night Long - All of Me - All or Nothing - All Over Me - All that Heaven Allows - All That Jazz - All the Boys Love Mandy Lane - All the King's Men (1949) - All the Little Animals - All the Money in the World - All the President's Men - All the Pretty Horses - All the Real Girls - All the Right Moves - All Things Fair - All Things Must Pass - All Through the Night - All We Had - All-Star Superman - Allegro Non Troppo - Alleluia - Allied - Almanac of Fall - Almost Brothers - Almost Famous - Almost Heroes - Almost Normal - Aloha - Alois Nebel - Alone in Berlin - Alone in the Wilderness - Along Came a Spider - Along Came Polly - Alpha - Alpha and Omega - Alpha Dog - Alphaville - Altered Hours - Altered States - Altiplano - Aluna - Beyond the Steps - Beyond the Steps: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater - Beyond the Steps - Alvin and the Chipmunks - Alvin and the Chipmunks 2: The Squeakque - Always (1989/Spielberg) - Always Shine - Amadeus - Alvin and the Chipmunks 3: Chipwrecked - Alvin and the Chipmunks 4: The Road Chip - Beyond the Steps - Amador - Amandla! - Amarcord - Amateurs, The - Amazing Catfish - Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse, The - Amazing Grace and Chuck - Amazing Screw-On Head, The - Amazon Women on the Moon - Ambassador Bill - Ambassador, The - Amelia - Amelie - Amen - America: Freedom to Fascism - American Animals - American Assassin - American Astronaut, The - American Beauty - American Buffalo - American Cannibal - American Carny - American Carol, An - American Crime, An - American Dream - American Dreamz - American Flyers - American Friend, The - American Gangster - American Gigolo - American Graffiti - American Hardcore - American Harmony - American History X - American Honey - American Hustle - American in Paris, An - American Made - American Me - American Movie - American Outrage - American Pastoral - American Perfekt - American Pie - American Pie 2 - American Pimp - American Pop - American President, The - American Psycho - American Reunion - American Revolution 2 - American Sniper - American Soldier, The - American Splendor - American Tail, An - American Tail: Fievel Goes West - American Teen - American Ultra - American Violet - American Wedding - American Werewolf in London, An - American, The - American: The Bill Hicks Story - AmericanEast - Americanization of Emily, The - Americano - Amira & Sam - Amistad - Amityville Horror, The (1979) - Amnesia - Amon Saga - Amongst White Clouds - Amour - Amour de Femme - Amour Fou - Amreeka - Amy - Ana y los Otros - Anaconda - Anarchism in America - Anastasia (1997/Animated) - Anatomy - Anatomy of a Murder - Anatomy of Hell - Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - Anchors Aweigh - And Everything Is Going Fine - And God Spoke - And Justice For All - And Now Ladies and Gentlemen - And So It Goes - And Starring Pancho Villa As Himself - And the Band Played On - And the Pursuit of Happiness - And the Ship Sails On - And Then Came Lola - And Then There Were None - Anderson Tapes - Andre - PFC DESIGN COMMITTEE - Andrei Rublev - Androcles and the Lion - Androgynym - Andromeda Strain, The (1971/Wise) - Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film - Angel - Angel At My Table, An - Angel Baby - Angel Face - Angel Heart - Angela's Ashes - Angels & Insects - Angels in the Outfield (1994) - Angels Wear White - Angels With Dirty Faces - Anger Management - Angora Ranch - Angriest Man in Brooklyn, The - Angry Birds Movie - Angry Monk - Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging - Aniara - Animal Charm - Animal Crackers - Animal Factory - Animal Farm (1954) - Animal House - Animal Kingdom - Animal Treasure Island - Animals - Animals Are Beautiful People - Animatrix, The - Anita - Anna (2019 / Sasha Luss) - Anna and the King - Anna Boleyn - Anna Christie - Anna Karenina (2012 / Keira Knightley) - Annabelle - Annabelle 2: Creation - Annabelle 3: Annabelle Comes Home - Anne of Green Gables - Annie (1982 / Albert Finney) - Annie Get Your Gun - Annie Hall - Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens - Annihilation - Anniversary Party, The - Anomalisa - Anonymous - Another 48 Hrs. - Another Country - Another Day In Paradise - Another Earth - Another Gay Movie - Another Gay Sequel - Another Woman - Another Year - Answer Man, The - Ant Bully, The - Ant-Man - Ant-Man and The Wasp - Antarctic Edge: 70 South - Antarctica Challenge, The - Antarctica: A Year On Ice - Antares - Antibirth - Antibodies - Antichrist - Antigone - Antonia's Line - Antonio Gaudi - Antwone Fisher - Antz - Anvil! The Story of Anvil - Anxious Animation - Any Day Now - Any Given Sunday - Any Which Way You Can - Anything Else - Anything Goes - Anytown, USA - Anywhere But Here - Apaches - Apart From Hugh - Apartment Zero - Apartment, The (1995 / France) - Apocalypto - Apollo 11 - Apollo 13 - Apollo 18 - Appaloosa - Appeared, The - Applause - Apple - Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again, The - Apple Dumpling Gang, The - Appleseed - Appropriate Behavior - Apres Vous - April and the Extraordinary World - Apt Pupil - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie - Aquaman - Aquamarine - Aquarius - Arabian Nights - Arachnophobia - Arakimentari - Ararat - Araya - Arbitrage - Arbor, The - Arch of Triumph - Archipelago - Architect, The - Arctic - Arctic Tale - Are You Here - Aretha Franklin: Amazing Grace - Argo - Arguing the World - Aria - Ariel (1988/Kaurismaki) - Arisan! (The Gathering) - Aristocats, The - Aristocrats, The - Arizona - Arizona Dream - Arlington Road - Armadillo - Armageddon - Armored - Armstrong - Armstrong Lie, The - Army of Crime - Army of One - Army of Shadows - Around the Block - Arranged - Arrangement, The - Arrival (2016 / Amy Adams) - Arrowsmith - Arsenal - Arsenic and Old Lace - Art & Copy - Art and Craft - Art of Being Straight, The - Art of Getting By, The - Art of the Steal, The (2013/Kurt Russell) - Art of War - Art School Confidential - Artemisia - Arthur (2011/Russell Brand) - Arthur and the Invisibles - Arthur Christmas - Arthur Newman - Artist and the Model, The - Artist, The - As Above So Below - As Good As It Gets - As I Lay Dying - As It Is In Heaven - As Smart As They Are: The Author Project - As Tears Go By - As You Like It - Ascent, The - Asfalto - Ash Is Purest White - Ashes and Diamonds - Ashes of Time - Ashes of Time Redux - Ashik Kerib - Ask the Dust - Asoka - Aspen Extreme - Asphalt - Asphalt Jungle - Ass Backwards - Assassin, The (2015 / Hou Hsiao-Hsien) - Assassin's Creed - Assassination Nation - Assassination of a High School President - Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - Assassination of Richard Nixon, The - Assassination Tango - Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) - Astronaut Farmer, The - Asylum - At Any Price - At Close Range - At Eternity's Gate - At First Sight - At Middleton - At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul - At the Death House Door - ATL - Atlantic City - Atlantis (1991/DOC) - Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001.Disney) - Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 - Atlas Shrugged: Part 2 - Atlas Shrugged: Part 3 - Who iIs John Galt - ATM - Atomic Blonde - Atomic Cafe, The - Atomic Submarine / First Man Into Space - Atonement - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - Attack the Block - Attack the Gas Station - Attack, The - Attenberg - Attenborough in Paradise - Au Hasard Balthazar - Au Revoir les Enfants - Auction, The - Audience of One - Audiovisualize - Audition - Audrey Rose - August (2008 /Jpsh Hartnett) - August in the Empire State - August Rush - August the First - August: Osage County - Augustine - Auntie Mame - Aura, The - Austenland - Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me - Austin Powers 3: Goldmember - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - Australia - Australia: Land Beyond Time - Author! Author! - Auto Focus - Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, The - Automata - Autopsy of Jane Doe - Autumn Afternoon, An - Autumn Sonata - Available Men - Avalon (1990/Levinson) - Avant-Garde 1: Experimental Cinema - Avant-Garde 2: 1928-1954 - Avanti! - Avatar - Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - Avengers 3: Infinity War - Avengers 4: Endgame - Avengers, The (2012) - Avenging Eagle, The / Blood Brothers - Avenue Montaigne - Aviator, The - Awake: The Life of Yogananda - Awakening, The - Awakenings - Away From Her - Awfully Big Adventure, An - Away We Go - Awful Truth, The (1937) - Axis of Evil Comedy Tour, The - Aziz Ansari: Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening - Azumi - Azur & Asmar: The Princes' Quest - B. Monkey - B.I.K.E. - BAADASSSSS! - Baader Meinhof Complex, The - Baal - Baaria - Babadook, The - Babbleonia: A Documentary - Babe - Babe 2: Pig in the City - Babel - Babette's Feast - Babies - Babo 73 / Chafed Elbows / No More Excuses - Baby Blues - Baby Boy - Baby Doll - Baby Driver - Baby It's You - Baby Mama - Baby Snakes - Baby Take a Bow - Babylon A.D. - Babymakers, The - Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The - Bachelor Party - Bachelorette - Back Door to Hell - Back to Normandy - Back to School - Back to the Future - Back to the Future 3 - Back to the Garden - Back-Up Plan - Backcountry - Backdraft - Backstabbing for Beginners - Backstage - Backyard, The - Bad and the Beautiful, The - Bad Batch, The - Bad Boy Bubby - Bad Boys - Bad Boys II - Bad Company (2002/Chris Rock) - Bad Day at Black Rock (FIT) - Bad Education (2004/Almodovar) - Bad Guy - Bad Lieutenant - Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - Bad Moms - Bad Moms Christmas - Bad News Bears (2005) - Bad News Bears, The (1976) - Bad Ronald - Bad Santa - Bad Santa 2 - Bad Seed, The - Bad Sleep Well, The - Bad Taste - Bad Teacher - Bad Times at the El Royale - Bad Timing - Bad Words - Badlands - Bag of Bones - Bag of Hammers, A - Bagdad Cafe - Baghdad ER - Baghead - Baise-Moi - Baker's Wife, The - Bakery Girl of Monceau - Ball of Fire - Ballad of a Soldier - Ballad of Bering Strait, The - Ballad of Cable Hogue, The - Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye, The - Ballad of Gregorio Cortez - Ballad of Jack & Rose, The - Ballad of Lefty Brown - Ballad of Narayama, The (1983/Imamura) - Ballad of Ramblin' Jack, The - Ballad of the Sad Cafe, The - Ballast - Ballerina's Tale, A - Ballet 422 - Ballet Shoes - Ballets Russes - Balls of Fury - Balseros - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress - Balzac: A Life of Passion - Bam Bam & Celeste - Bamako - Bambi - Bambi II - Bamboozled - Bananas (1971 / Woody Allen) - Band Aid - Band Called Death, A - Band of Angels - Band of Outsiders - Band of Robbers - Band Wagon, The - Band's Visit, The - Bandit Queen - Bandits (2001 / Bruce Willis) - Bandolero! - Bang - Bang Rajan - Bang the Drum Slowly (1973/DeNiro) - Banger Sisters, The - Bangkok Dangerous (2008/Cage) - Banishment, The - Bank Dick, The - Bank Job, The - Baptism of Blood - Bar Girls - Baraka - Barbara - Barbarella - Barbarian Invasions, The - Barbarians at the Gate - Barbary Coast - Barbershop - Barbershop 2: Back in Business - Barbershop: The Next Cut - Barcelona - Barefoot Artist, The - Barefoot in the Park - Barfly - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Barking Water - Barkleys of Broadway, The - Barney's Version - Barnyard, The - Baron Blood - Baron of Arizona, The - Barry Lyndon - Barrymore - Bart Got a Room - Bartleby - Barton Fink - Baseketball - Basic Instinct - Basic Tsukamoto - Basket Case - Basketball Diaries - Basquiat - Bat 21 - Bathers, The - Batman (1989) - Batman & Robin - Batman Begins - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker - Batman Forever - Batman Returns - Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice - Batman: Assault on Arkham - Batman: Gotham Knight - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Batman: Secrets of the Caped Crusader - Batman: The Killing Joke - Batman: Under the Red Hood - Batman: Year One - Batteries Not Included - Battle Beyond the Stars - Battle for Terra - Battle in Heaven - Battle in Seattle - Battle of Algiers, The - Battle of Britain - Battle of Shaker Heights, The - Battle of the Bulge - Battle of the River Plate, The - Battle of the Sexes - Battle of the Warriors - Battle Royale - Battle Royale II - Battle: Los Angeles - Battlefield Baseball - Battlefield Earth - Battleground - Battleship - Battleship Potemkin - Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome - Battlestar Galactica: The Plan - Battling Butler - Baxter (1989/France) - Baxter, The (2005) - Bay of Angels - Bay of Blood - Baytown Outlaws, The - Baywatch - Be Cool - Be Good, Smile Pretty - Be Kind Rewind - Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown - Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blache' - Be With Me - Be Yourself - Beach Boys: An American Band - Beach Bum, The - Beach Party / Bikini Beach - Beach Rats - Beaches - Beaches of Agnes, The - Beales of Grey Gardens, The - Bean / Johnny English - Bear Nation - Bear, The - Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The - Awesome; I Shot That! - Beastie Boys: Video Anthology - Beastly - Beastmaster - Beasts of the Southern Wild - Beat Angel - Beat Generation, The - Beat Street - Beat That My Heart Skipped, The - Beat the Devil - Beatles: 1 - Beatles: Eight Days a Week - Beatles: Let It Be - Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour - Beatriz at Dinner - Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest - Beau Brummell: This Charming Man - Beau Travail - Beaufort - Beautiful Boxer - Beautiful Boy - Beautiful Country, The - Beautiful Creatures - Beautiful Girls - Beautiful Losers - Beautiful Mind, A - Beautiful People - Beautiful Person, The - Beautiful Thing - Beauty Academy of Kabul - Beauty and the Beast (2017 / Emma Watson) - Beauty and the Dogs - Beauty Inside, The - Beauty is Embarrassing: The Wayne White Story - Beauty Shop - Beavis and Butt-Head Do America - Because I Said So - Because of Winn-Dixie - Becket - Becoming Chaz - Becoming Jane - Becoming Warren Buffet - Bed and Board - Bedazzled (2000 / Brendan Fraser) - Bedknobs and Broomsticks - Bedtime for Bonzo - Bedtime Stories - Bee Movie - Bee Season - Been Rich All My Life - Beerfest - Beeswax - Beetlejuice - Before I Fall - Before I Forget - Before I Go To Sleep - Before I Hang / The Boogie Man Will Get You - Before Midnight - Before Night Falls - Before Stonewall - Before Sunrise - Before Sunset - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - Before the Fall - Before the Flood - Before the Music Dies - Before the Rain - Before the Rains - Before We Go - Before Your Eyes - Begin Again - Beginners - Beginning of the End - Beguiled, The (2017 / Kidman) - Behind Enemy Lines - Behind Locked Doors - Behind the Burly Q - Behind the Candelabra - Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vern - Behold a Pale Horse - Beijing Bicycle - Being Elmo - Being Flynn - Being in the World - Being John Malkovich - Being Julia - Being There - Beirut - Bel Ami - Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story - Belko Experiment - Bell, Book and Candle - Bella - Bellboy, The - Belle - Belle de Jour - Belle Epoque - Belle of Amherst, The - Belle of the Yukon - Belle Toujours - Belles on Their Toes - Bellflower - Belly - Belly of an Architect, The - Beloved (877 / Oprah Winfrey) - Beloved Rogue, The - Ben Folds Five: The Complete Sessions at West 54th - Ben is Back - Ben X - Ben-Hur (1959/1925)

Han d"OR

Han d"OR



AudienceAward info


Again this year, with your help, we’re honoring the Doctober audience’s favorite film of the festival with the Ham d’Or Audience Award. Look out for an email after each film you see to add your rating which will be tallied with the whole Doctober audience.  Paper ballots will also be available.

Live Event Carousel

Live Event Carousel


Showtimes Bike Vessel | 10:00AM I'm Still Here | 10:15AM, 1:10PM, 3:55PM, 8:25PM The Brutalist | 11:40AM, 4:10PM, 6:55PM

FAQs Title

FAQs Title





OCTOBER 2 - 26, 2025









Slate + Info

Marketing Signup

Marketing Signup

Site Note

We open 30 minutes before the first showtime of the day.
All theaters are ADA accessible with wheelchair seating.
Closed captioning and assistive listening devices are available at the box office.

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Pickford Film Center

1318 Bay St
Bellingham, WA 98225

Movie line | 360.738.0735

Mailing Address
PO Box 2521
Bellingham, WA 98227


Pickford Film Center